Friday, July 18, 2014

Why You Should Backpack Through Europe Alone

And all the parents/adult types just at a heart attack at the title of this post.
Some of my friends, probably, too.

"Owl" save you lolz. 

But this is me daring you.
Double dog daring you, even.

I know I said I wouldn't go alone if people freaked out about the prospect of me going alone, but if I'm totally honest...I always knew I would. I'm an only child, "alone" is kind of my natural state.

I have a satchel like this. So does Indiana Jones.

At least, it was before I moved into a house with 95 other girls.

Now "alone" isn't the norm, but that's besides the point. But I wouldn't have it any other way. 


I spent the past week backpacking through Munich and Vienna alone.
And let me tell you...there is so much we miss when we are with our friends.
Or with our phones.
Or otherwise unavailable.

The world is ready to offer us all so much...we just have to be open to receiving it.

Conversation. And appreciation for conversation. 

Yeah, I was "alone", but I only ate a grand total of 2 meals without speaking a word to someone around me--and I was writing in my journal, appearing "unavailable" both times.

People want to talk. They want to share their stories and their experiences with you. They want to hear yours. More people travel alone than you think; more people eat alone than you think.
But you don't notice them when you are with your friends...unless you are talking to each other about how you feel sorry that they are alone.

NOT an accurate representation of solo travelers

But solo people will rarely approach groups. Groups are intimating--they obviously have their friends, why do they need you? But individuals approach individuals. And those individuals are AWESOME. Check out "The People You Meet While Backpacking Through Europe" (coming soon) for a more detailed description of the rad people I met this past week. You may be technically flying solo, but friends are around every corner--and you truly appreciate the friends you make, even if you don't know their names.

Release from the pressure to please

When you're by yourself, the decision making process is much simpler...and that takes a ton of stress out of traveling. Your plans can change freely, you can sit down at the first restaurant you come to, you could do absolutely nothing or absolutely everything--it's all up to you.

A huge confidence boost 

Because, shoot, you quickly learn you are capable of far more than you ever thought you were.
You may be lost, alone, dazed, confused, and in a slightly sketchy area of town (or you may or may not have rolled your ankle post-World Cup while 45 minutes away from your hostel...), but you can and will figure it out. It may be on the fly, it may result in a set of experiences you selectively decide not to tell your parents about, but--you can do it. All of it. And that confidence won't leave you once your journey ends. 

People will ask you in hostels if you're alone. When you say "Yes," their respect for you doubles. It's kinda cool. 

Yeah, you fancy.

Quality time with yourself 

I feel like in today's world, it can be kinda tough to make time for yourself. Between your phone buzzing, your emails stacking up in your inbox, and other daily chaotic happenings, it can be difficult to find a moment to just sit and think about...anything. 

Except orange mocha frappuccinos 

This past week, I got the cool chance to really talk to myself (I sound crazy. Whatever.) about my hopes and dreams for the future. More importantly, I got a chance to really figure out why I want the things that I do, and what I can do to help myself get them. Like law school. Wow. I'm taking the LSAT in December, and after thinking about why I want to go to law school, and after encountering attorneys in both Germany and Austria (although one was from the UK, the other was Austrian) and talking to them about the law and legal system in their countries...I'm excited to start studying. Because it is something I want so, so deeply. 

Anyway. Sorry. Deep realizations whaaaaaat.  

So. Take my challenge. Go alone. For a day, for a week, for a month...whatever. Just do it. Trust yourself. Challenge yourself. And remember that there is a world full of people willing to help you out along the way. 


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